Teka England
Costume Technician

Oregon Shakespeare Festival 2023 Chuckie Benson, Z Infante, Sophia Byrd, Daria Redus, Fae Stalling. Photo by Jenny Graham

Directed by Nataki Garrett. Bianca Jones (L), Erika Rose (R) Photo by

Oklahoma Festival Ballet

Oregon Shakespeare Festival 2023 Chuckie Benson, Z Infante, Sophia Byrd, Daria Redus, Fae Stalling. Photo by Jenny Graham

Teka England is an academic overachiever with history degrees from the University of Puget Sound and Penn State and an MFA in Costume Production from Boston University. Her focus from an early age has been on historic and folk costume and structural construction, but she also loves to work in uncommon and "difficult" materials and will never shy away from a rhinestone.
She has worked wardrobe with Blue Man Group, Lyric Theater of Oklahoma and on Broadway tours as an IATSE local. She has made puppets with Michael Curry Designs, and been on costume construction crews at the Seattle Opera, American Repertory Theater, the Boston University Opera Institute, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival, and the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. She was the shop manager/lead draper and an occasional designer at Butler University, the Professional Draper at the University of Oklahoma, the Cutter/Draper at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, and is currently a Lead Costumer with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
In her off hours, Teka knits, embroiders, racewalks, lifts weights, plays too many video games, sings sea chanties in the shower and does freelance patterning and garment construction for members of the general public under the name Threadwright
She lives most of the year in Southern Oregon, but can also sometimes be found up north in Portland visiting friends and family.